Members and Staff


01. Dr. Pradeep Shukla :-     Chief Proctor        94252-27219

02. Dr. Manish Shrivastav -   Deputy Proctor     94252-27387

03. Dr. S. Kispotta -             Deputy Proctor     94255-47718

04. Shri. Shailendra Singh -  Deputy Proctor      98261-30018

05. Shri. Santosh Tiwari -     Office Assistant     94241-52433


Taking into account the discipline as the most essential and important constituent for the development of any institution, the Vishwavidyalaya has constituted a Proctorial Board, duly approved by the Executive Council. Though all powers relating the maintenance of discipline and disciplinary action vest in the Vice Chancellor, the constituted Proctorial Board assists the Vice Chancellor in the exercise of his powers related to disciplinary action. The members of the proctorial board are appointed by the Executive Council from amongst the professors, associate professors in the manner prescribed by the ordinance. For the maintenance of discipline and general conduct of the students in the campus the members of the proctorial board take regular rounds within the campus. In case of finding anybody indulges into unfair activities or against the discipline, necessary instructions and warnings are issued.

To combat ragging and avoid any untoward incident in the university a discipline committee and Anti ragging committee in every School of the university has been constituted. On any motion moved by the departmental discipline committee, after a primary enquiry, the board recommends suitable actions to be taken against those found guilty. Inside hostels, the administrative authorities appointed by the university, maintains the discipline and thus assist the proctorial board. Any matter found against the rule is brought into notice of the board for further disciplinary action. Though all the preventive measures against ragging are implemented, nevertheless, all the students are required to submit an undertaking before the concerned Head of Department at the time of admission, to the effect that they will not get involved in any type of misconduct and will abide by the ragging rules. In case of any report obtained from anti-ragging committee, the proctorial board primarily conducts an enquiry and recommends suitable punishments to those found guilty as per rule. With the assistance of Central Security System established in the university, the proctorial board maintains the discipline and order during various celebrations, events and other activities where large gathering of students are common.

The University proctorial board constitutes a Chief Proctor and three Deputy Proctors. Professor Pradeep shukla has been appointed as the first Chief Proctor of the upgraded central university. Other Deputy Proctors are : Dr. Manish Shrivastava, Dr. Shailendra Singh and Dr. S. Kispotta.

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